- No one can own a gun without providing a reason
for gun ownership: collecting, hunting, sport shooting whatever. Security
guards could get special permits.
- Allow special rules for collectors of guns.
Collectors could purchase almost any type of weapon but could not take them out
of the house in working order or fire them without additional review by the police. All
sales/trades between collectors would have to be registered.
- No matter where the weapon is purchased the
police department in the purchaser’s home town must review the application.
- Any sober and responsible adult could own a
rifle or shotgun. Children under 18 could get rifles and shotguns if their
parents approve (and if they have a reason to get them).
- Handguns would be more restricted. No one under
the age of 21 could have one. Of course all the purchases would still have to
go thru local police.
- Local police would have to be notified if anyone
inherits a weapon. They would decide if the legacy could be honored.
- A clean police record would be required. The
definition of “sober” would apply to mental problems as well as drug and
alcohol problems
This is my paraphrase of the gun control legislation in Norway that was in place when Anders Behring Breivik killed 77 people, mostly children, after he exploded a bomb in Oslo to distract the police. He brought all of his weapons legally. He joined sporting clubs and was a regular participant in club meetings so he could keep his status as a sportsman and obtain weapons. He successfully created a fake company to legally buy chemicals for the explosives.
All it takes is a hard heart to kill. Laws do not stop committed criminals.
Our gun control problem is not a failure to regulate weapons. Our opportunity to prevent murder is care for the mentally ill.